Etiquettes LPMC - Bonjour beau
  • Etiquettes LPMC - Bonjour beau
  • Etiquettes LPMC - Bonjour beau
  • Etiquettes LPMC - Bonjour beau

Etiquettes LPMC - Bonjour beau


Imagine waking up in the morning, taking your clothes and seeing him greet you... Hello. is an invitation to the simple text and message that will not only create a surprise effect, but will remind you constantly who you are. A label La Petite Maison Couture.


Lot of 8 labels

Spread on an ecru background, I have long sought for this label a beautiful shade of classic red that would bring out its message on any outfit or accessory without being aggressive to the eye. Its dimensions are 5.2cm x 2.9cm. Its short edges are pre-folded to facilitate the pose.

LaPetiteMaisonCouture textile applications are woven to sewing labels. They are made in Europe and made of premium polyester yarns; therefore they do not scratch and do not deterate. Used in good conditions, they have an unlimited life.
